
I’m home for a few days and Little A. is staying with me the first week of school’s two weeks Easter Holiday.

Unfortunately the weather hasn’t been that great. Dull, cold, grey and very rainy.

Past Thursday I took Little A., she is 15, to Scherpenheuvel (Sharp Hill) a small municipality not so far from where we live.
It is know as one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Belgium. Legend goes that around 1500 the Virgin Mary performed a miracle. Shortly after the place was flooded with pilgrims who came to pray for the health and recovery of ill loved ones.

The church was proclaimed a Roman Catholic basilica minor in 1927.

I remember how there were a zillion booths and shops selling catholic paraphernalia but now most of these shops have become restaurants or depository financial institutions.

During the month May groups of people or organizations like the scouts go on pilgrimage to Scherpenheuvel albeit I am not sure we are talking about large groups anymore.

Scherpenheuvel is in a way a sort of symbol of the decline of (commercial) Catholicism.

I visited the place just to enjoy photography as I am an atheist. But of course I respect the beliefs of other people as long as they do not want to convert me.

The place did not inspire me that much and I only took a few images with my Nikon F100 loaded with HP5 Plus pushed to 1600 ISO.


  1. Annie B says:

    Gorgeous! Thanks for the history of that magnificent building.


    1. Stephan Pot says:

      The Basilica can be seen from far as it is build on a small hill. I can imagine how it must have been centuries ago or even a few decades when it still meant something for so much people.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Annie B says:

        I just love history and the way you capture it Stephan is amazing 💙


  2. I love the first and the last shot stunning that combination is as sharp as a tack


    1. Stephan Pot says:

      Yet I am not sure the Nikon VR 24-120mm is such a great performer. I bought it 12 years ago together with the Nikon D100. Now that I use it on film I have the impression it lacks a lot of sharpness in the corners. The cross was also not correctly exposed but came out rather well.


  3. Great combination of settings! That led you to stunning shots, congratulations!


    1. Stephan Pot says:

      Indeed it did.
      Thank you so much for stopping by!


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