Railway Signal

I am not sure if it is the right description for this warning light.

I visited this spot two days in a row. The first day the sky was not great and the results, after 2 and 4 minutes exposures not very good, kind of bleached out.

The next day the sky was more interesting, there was more wind too. Unfortunately, the light had a tendency to change dramatically over a period of 4 minutes so some images were too dark or bright.

This one came out as the best albeit I am not really convinced it is a good one.  The composition might have been better but anyway, I am showing you this one.  Not every shot we make is an absolute winner.

I’m still having my doubts about getting a 4×5″ camera. I have already decided that I’ll get a 6×7 back so I can use the cheaper roll-film to get acquainted with the camera.

I would love to get a 4×5 as a challenge, to learn something new and to adapt to. I was thinking of learning to do more still life at home. After all I have a studio flash system I almost never use.

Does anyone have a tip for me why I should get a 4×5 camera? Or why it would be like throwing my money away?

Railway Signal (2016) Ricoh GR II in 35mm crop mode and 2x ND 1024 filters with a exposure of 4'

Railway Signal (2016)
Ricoh GR II in 35mm crop mode and 2x ND 1024 filters with an exposure of 4′


1 Comment

  1. Works for me, I like it


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