Thoughts – May 2, 2015

It is Saturday, May 2nd and about 00:20. For the past 2 hours I’ve been scanning 35mm film while catching up with Breaking Bad.  I don’t watch TV so I’ve missed this and a few weeks ago a friend told me he was sure I would love this.
Yeah, I do.

I had a busy day, driving around, walking, discovering and photographing. And now I feel kind of Zen like and very happy with what I shot. Over the next couple of days I’ll post my best work.
But for now I’m going to bed. I’m getting up early, catch a train to Antwerp where I’ll be doing some shopping at a huge photography store. On my list A3+ paper so I can finally make some large prints again. Film of course and if they have it a Rodinal based developer for some stand development.

Barnacle goose (2015) Olympus OM-2n with Zuiko 65-200 at 200mm and loaded with Ilford FP4 Plus
Barnacle goose (2015)
Olympus OM-2n with Zuiko 65-200 at 200mm and loaded with Ilford FP4 Plus