Feiyu Tech FY-G4S Handheld Gimbal for GoPro

There are a zillion clips about a gimbal on Youtube alone. It is a device that allows you to shoot steady footage. So check it out on Youtube if you want to know more about the topic.

I bought one for my GoPro. A Chinese manufactured FY-G4S. For my budget is was rather expensive. I made it up by selling my unused Nikon D300 and a SkyWatcher telescope.

I had some ideas about what a gimbal could do with video footage. You know, the stabilising the walking and so on.

To be honest I was flabbergasted by what a gimbal really can do. Once again there are a ton of reviews to be found on Youtube. But it surpassed my expectations.

My examples are raw. No slow motion or whatever other effect. The footage I am sharing is out of the box except for some basic color correction.  No post work on shake or anything else.

Just the gimbal working.


After quite a long absence on this blog, I am faced with a dilemma.

I wrote about what I like to call my love/hate relation with photography a few times.

As a matter of fact, I haven’t touched a camera since Sweetheart and I returned from our holiday in Denmark. I’m talking September last year.

I posted some images from that trip and that was it. My last entry on this blog dates from October 2016.

This is a blog about photography and there is a thin layer with a personal growth path, kind of diary.

A month or two ago I started kayaking. Not that often but I like to be on the water. I used to dive too, mostly in the murky water of Zeeland in The Netherlands.

Then I picked up a Denver action camera. The quality was okay and I mounted on my kayak and shot some footage. Enjoyed editing it. Nothing special, just your basic amateur video images.

Liked it so much I bought a second-hand GoPro Hero 4 Silver. It offers much more control and the quality of the footage and images are quite high. Shortly after that, I bought an electronic stabilizer or a gimbal. The difference between handheld shots and the gimbal breath-taking. Yesterday I got a second-hand ultra-compact Acom H1 Handy Recorder for better sound.

So where is all this taking me? I don’t have a clue. I have almost no experience with this medium. I’m guessing this will be a thrilling new road I’ll be traveling on.

My dilemma is this.
Should I continue this blog albeit is not about photography anymore or should I start a new blog? I have no idea.

What do you think, dear Reader?